Oct 9, 2008

Hegel's philosophy of history position paper


After realizing the fact that Hegel called himself “great man,” I was very astonished and at the same time interested about the concept of the great man that Hegel proposed in his own philosophy of history.

I was wondering and asking questions like “why in the world did Hegel classify himself as a great man that moves the world spirit forward? And what good is it for Hegel to become a great man?”

Looking back at the things that Hegel wrote, I got confused. The reason for this confusion is because Hegel says that the great man is used by the World Spirit and after its usage, disposed leaving the great man to suffer a tragic death.

If that was the case of Napoleon, Caesar and Hegel himself, then does this mean that every great man suffered a tragic death? Does this mean that every great man who moved the world spirit forward should actually follow the pattern that Hegel discovered?

About this idea, I personally disagree because I have found some great man (maybe Hegel might not consider them as “great” but the history tells us that they are great) who doesn’t fit into the category or classification of Hegel.

The great man that I’ve chose to challenge the philosophy of Hegel is the first president of the United States, President George Washington.

The thesis of George Washington will be the British Empire enforcing acts and rules in a colonized state. According to the history, George Washington wasn’t a wealthy man from the beginning but after the marriage with a wealthy widow Martha Dandridge Custis, made him strong in a sense of political and economical strength.

“Washington’s marriage to a wealthy widow greatly increased his property holdings and social standing. He acquired one-third of the 18,000 acre Custis estate upon his marriage, and managed the remainder on behalf of Martha’s children.

After gaining wealth and political support, George Washington held local office and was elected to the Virginia provincial legislature, the House of Burgesses, and he served as a justice of Fairfax, and held court in Alexandria, Virginia between 1760 and 1774.” (National Monument)

This proves to us that George Washington was gaining strength. In order to obtain his strength, he had to find a way which was in this case “the American Revolution.” Having problems with the parliamentary type of government which acquired taxation and other acts, George Washington fought the fight and established a new nation called the United States.

The antithesis against the parliamentary government of the Great Britain is the republican government of the United States. And in result to this antithesis, synthesis which is the new constitution of United States was amended.

“George Washington served for two terms as the first president of the United States, after retiring from the presidency in March 1797, Washington returned to Mount Vernon with a profound sense of relief. He devoted much time to faming and, in that year constructer a 2,250 square foot distillery, which was one of the largest in the new republic, housing five copper stills, a boiler and 50 mash tubs, at the site of one of his unprofitable farms. At its peak, two years later, the distillery produced 11,000 gallons of corn and rye whiskey worth $7,500, and fruit brandy.” (National monument)
If his goal was to achieve economic freedom from British parliamentary system, then I believe that he has achieved what he has fought for. I believe that he has achieved his goal therefore the happiness without much suffrage was granted to this great man. Although he died of fever and throat infection, he was 67 years old and it’s hard to see that he has suffered greatly in comparison to other “great man” that Hegelians use to defend their theory.

Even being called by King George III, who was his enemy, as “the greatest man in the world,” George Washington with no doubt was the great man in the history of the world. His achievements and success is still benefiting the United States to become the strongest nation in the world. If there were great man who suffered greatly to move the world spirit forward without achieving their goal of freedom and happiness, in my opinion, there was also great man who has achieved their goal and happiness without suffering the tragic death like George Washington.

George Washington, Retrieved on August 18, 2008
Retrieved from

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